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Zapłać wygodnie przez PayU lub przy odbiorze
Wysyłamy zamówienia w 24 H



The differences between a woman and a man are visible to the naked eye and we often discover them at the early childhood stage when adults are not looking. Although we are similar, we differ from each other and have different requirements and needs. But does the term also apply to cosmetics? Rather, not many […]


This post is very special for us because with it we officially open a new stage in our lives. These few sentences are the culmination of our many months of hard work, also it is the ending of a certain stage and the beginning of a new one. What do we feel at that moment? […]


Over the years, the condition of the skin and its needs, change. And because not everyone knows the type of their skin (but everyone already remembers their age), to make life easier, cosmetics manufacturers have introduced numbers to the labels, suggesting a group of target users. Creams under 20, so-called creams for teenagers. Usually have […]


According to our questionnaire, 52% of respondents do not read the composition of the cosmetic. This is because the composition on the reverse side is usually not understandable for most customers. A large group reads only what the manufacturer places on the front of the package, because it is usually written in the recipient’s home […]



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